Resilient Power. At Thermal Energy Partners we have the vision to find new and emerging geothermal energy opportunities and the discipline to develop them safely, and profitably.
TEP's production plan is for this renewable baseload resource to be much more available to meet the growth in demand for energy. 50 GWe or more of coal-fired capacity will need to be retired in the next 15 to 25 years within the U.S. alone due to environmental concerns and during this same period, 40 GWe or more of nuclear capacity will not surpass relicensing procedures and as a result be decommissioned.
Geothermal energy provides a robust, long-lasting option with attributes that would complement other important contributions from clean coal, nuclear, solar, wind, hydropower, and biomass. The US is already the leading producer of geothermal based electricity around the world with about 3,500MW of capacity.
In fact, many attributes of geothermal energy, namely its widespread distribution, base-load dispatchability without storage, small footprint, and zero emissions, are desirable for reaching a sustainable energy future. Expanding the energy supply portfolio to include more indigenous and renewable resources is a sound approach that will increase energy security in a manner that strengthens a country's economy.
Geothermal energy represents a large, indigenous resource that can provide base-load electric power and heat at a level that can have a major economic impact while incurring minimal environmental issues.