Thermal Energy Partners believes that renewable, sustainable, locally produced power must be able to compete economically with the existing national and international fossil fuel industry, without artificial support of the costs of production. Our cooperation with the petroleum industry and other leading exploration firms has allowed us to develop a vast specialized knowledge-base. Our proprietary data set allows us to minimize exploration risk and maximize return on investment.
We have the vision to find new and emerging geothermal energy opportunities in the US, and around the world, with the discipline and technical experience to develop them safely, efficiently and profitably.
Our strategy is built on our foundation of expertise. We are a focused team of intelligent, proven specialists, who are experts in deploying the most advanced technology in areas with substantial potential. Where others see only risk, we have the expertise to carefully see the potential opportunity, the agility to act quickly, the experience to see the hurdles that must be overcome and the ability to capitalize on opportunities that others miss.